Welcome to Reclaim Your Space, LLC!

  • Does clutter have you feeling overwhelmed?
  • Are you unable to find things when you need them?
  • Do you want to be organized but have no idea where to start?

Reclaim Your Space, LLC can help!

If you need a professional organizer in the Kansas City, Missouri metro area, Reclaim Your Space, LLC is here to help.  Reclaim Your Space’s mission is to help you get organized and stay that way.  Getting organized is more than just reclaiming lost space from the chaos of clutter; it’s about reclaiming your time, energy, peace of mind, and free time.  Once you get organized and put systems in place to help you stay that way, you can spend less time looking for and managing things and more time on what’s really important: family, friends, and the things that bring joy to your life.

Do any of these things sound familiar?

  • It’s time to leave…and you can’t find your keys
  • You purchase something you’re sure you’re nearly out of, but days later find extras somewhere you never thought to look
  • Your child’s toys fill not only their room, but also clutter many other rooms
  • You can no longer dine at the dining room table
  • Your paperwork, bills, and mail have no dedicated home
  • You need to sell your home, but buyers can’t see past the clutter
  • You closets are crammed, but you can’t find anything you want to wear
  • Your garage stores everything but your car
  • It’s time to downsize, but deciding what to keep is overwhelming

Reclaim Your Space can help.

When you are overwhelmed with anxiety, anger, or sadness whenever the idea of decluttering comes up, and you can’t figure out how to begin, it’s time to call for help.  I’m Laura Nelson, professional organizer, and owner of Reclaim Your Space, LLC.  I will come alongside you and step-by-step walk you through the process of organizing and the struggle of letting things go.  We will put systems in place to keep you organized even as life changes.